Tuesday, June 17, 2008

And I Thought it was Summer

I don't think I am being too ridiculous in saying that hot chocolate should not be a best seller at a baseball game. Baseball games are played in the summer. You are supposed to sweat, wear shorts, and have to apply SPF 70 sunblock repeatedly during day games. You are NEVER supposed to order hot chocolate and sign up for a credit card in return for a free blanket.

And yet, that is what has happened to me. California was supposed to be warm, sunny, and beautiful. Well it is sunny and beautiful, but yesterday it was absolutely frigid to the point where vendors at the baseball game were shouting hot chocolate instead of beer.

The game was fun, as the Giants beat Detroit 8-6. I came home to find an invite to tonight's game from a friend that lives near Berkeley. This time I will at least be prepared with my beautiful fleece blanket. However, I will have to brave public transportation which is something I don't fully yet understand. I think I have at least some idea of where I am going, and lots and lots of quarters to pay for fare. Figuring out how the bike racks work on front of the buses...well that is another story.

Tomorrow I will be heading over to the AIDS Foundation to have an orientation meeting, and hopefully figure out what my schedule will be with them for the rest of the summer. Then I can begin figuring out the rest of my life, also known as finding a job.

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