Sunday, May 4, 2008

If I Climb a Wall in Berlin Does it Still Count if It's not THE Wall?

Berlin has come and gone. It was a nice city, but I'm pretty sure that I would have to move there to fully appreciate the city. I don't think I met any Germans but I did hang out with some Irish, a bunch of Aussies, and an American who refuses to ever work and instead slaves away playing music and using a fancy vocabulary to try and impress everybody else (which of course just annoyed me...there are just so many times you can use mellifluous in one day). It probably would have been a lot better if I had been with a friend in the city. Definitely an interesting place though with history basically every step you take. I had to avoid the streets the last day I was there because it is a huge day of rioting and setting cars on fire. Fun!

The highlight was probably the night we decided to have an adventure through the abandoned amusement park on the outskirts of Berlin. Unfortunately it ended up with us hiding out in tea pots and frantically jumping over a fence to avoid being caught by the Berlin police. We figured it must not be that bad since one of the tour companies in Berlin takes their tour groups to this same place. Again I met more foreigners when we ran into six Finnish girls who had also decided to try and play on the giant dinosaurs. Luckily we evaded the authorities and I managed to leave Germany without spending a night in jail.

Now I find myself in Austria with my friend Katie, a Russian girl named Elena, and our host Robert who is insane. His wife is coming home tonight and I am scared to meet her as I don't think I could manage to live with two people that have that much energy. We have hiked up several mountains, had picnics all over the place, went rock climbing, and did various other sporting activities. The man never ever slows down and it is exhausting just to be near him. I'm also having serious allergy issues and I think if I go near another tree, meadow, or basically anything in nature my nose and lungs will stop working. It is absolutely beautiful here and I find myself wondering why I am returning to America when I should instead just open up a pastry shop in Austria and live with the Alps as my house's backdrop.

I'll be back in Cyprus for about twelve hours, and then on to Jordan! Love you all!

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