Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mozart Lives

So Prague was a snowglobe city where everybody is happy, and everything is beyond beautiful. You just need to shake it up and you get a beautiful snowstorm on the Charles Bridge.

Istanbul reminded me of the city replica set ups you find in amusement parks like Six Flags- complete with ice cream windows run by men wearing shiny red and gold vests and funny hats that come straight out of Aladdin. And then of course there are the men selling light up devil horn headbands on Friday nights.

And then there is Vienna which I am realizing reminds me more and more of a Space Balls scene. The first time I visited I thought there obsession with Mozart was a little over the top. It seems to come from the Space Balls scene where Yogurt pulls out the Space Balls Merchandising store. Vienna just instead has Mozart the Magnet, Mozart the flag, Mozart the shot think of it- Mozart is on it. Yesterday I arrived just in time to witness the Vienna City Marathon soundtracked by none other than Mozart himself. I don't know about you, but personally I don`t turn to the classics as my pump up jams of choice but oh well. I hope it worked for the man that was dumb enough to run 26 miles wearing a full bear costume. It would all fit so well into a Mel Brooks musical.

Now I am in Germany trying to find ways to occupy my time before I go to my hosts`house since I arrived hear at 5:30 in the morning and then proceeded to get lost several times. Also have to complete my hunt for bread and peanut butter as living off of sausages for the next week is nothing but a terrible terrible idea. I'm not sure that living off of peanut butter is really a lot healthier but at least it will be cheaper.

Love you all!

1 comment:

The Pirate said...

Wow, that city would have totally loved this week's ep of 30 Rock. The whole thing was sort of an extended riff on the movie Amadeus, except with porn video games instead of music being the competitive arena. That movie is almost as old as I am, yet still, Dr. Spaceman running slo-mo through the halls of 30 Rock, cape billowing behind him (only to pause to buy pretzels out of the vending machine)was hilarious. I guess Mozart truly is eternal.