Wednesday, April 9, 2008

No More Philo Dough for Me

It's a sad day in my life. I am being forced to give up philo dough and Zorba's, the twenty-four hour a day bakery that is only a few hundred feet from my front door. My friend has actually made a bet against me that I won't be able to go for the next month without visiting. If I win, I get Zorba's for free on May 13. Beautiful. Zorba's is the cheapest place around, filled with pastries, and bizarre sandwiches consisting of meat encrusted in beautiful, flaky dough, and pies that are the most delicious things in the world.

Why must I sacrifice the philo? Well, I seem to be unable to control my ticket buying sprees. Since arriving back in Cyprus I have arranged for a week in London and Scotland at the end of May, one week in Istanbul, four days in Berlin, five days in Vienna, and another five days in Jordan. Jordan put me over the edge, in philo dough denial. I'm pretty sure it's worth it though. I mean, rice and beans for two months isn't that terrible.

Other than that nothing else is new in my life. The water is still not running, so our shower schedules are terrible. My dreads have disappeared, as has half of the hair on my head. Fortunately I had massive massive amounts of hair to begin with, so I am still left with massive amounts. My plans for San Francisco seem to be working out, and I found an amazing apartment that is within biking distance from where I will be volunteering all summer.

That is all. I'm sure next weeks updates will be much more fascinating as I will be adventuring through Tukey.

Love you all.

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