Saturday, February 2, 2008

There is Nothing Greater in Life than Being a Turk

This (somewhat obnoxious) title is imprinted on the northern Turkish (sort of) mountains facing down to the Greek southern side. It's right under the Turkish flag that lights up at night. Well, it lights up when there is enough electricity for it....which goes in and out on any given night. I personally think it’s fabulous...the Cypriots not so much. In fact, the Cypriots don’t think there is anything better than themselves. We went for a tour of the Cyprus Archeological museum and I’m fairly certain our tour guide would like us to believe that Greek Cypriots are the cradle of all civilization, and have found/.invented everything on this earth. When they haven’t been able to invent something, they most certainly have perfected it.

Over the past week I’ve engaged in multiple orientation programs....most of them including several hours of Turk bashing. It’s been fun, but I think if I hear one more thing about how great the Cypriots are, and how terrible the Turks are...I may join the Turkish army and join in a campaign to make the Northern Turkish Republic of Cyprus a legit nation recognized by more than just Turkey.

I’ve also learned just how ugly Americans can be. In fact, my entire group is full of them, except for the group of girls I live with, which I am extremely lucky to live with. It’s a very nice surprise that eleven girls can get along so well. However, the rest of the group here apparently can’t get through a day without getting drunk, whining, and jumping over gates to sneak into buildings.

Today, we made a trip to the North. It excited me when there were statues of Attaturk everywhere, especially after my crazy sociology class with my crazy Turkish professor. We visited the northern part of Nicosia and then went to Kyrenia, which described by the Greek Cypriots was “the most picturesque Cypriot town until 1974 when the Turks invaded and forced all Greek Cypriots out of there homes”. This happens to be one of several “most picturesque towns” that are now under Turkish occupation. I realize that it’s terrible what happened to the island, but I’m fairly certain that there is a lot more going on than they would like everyone to believe in.

It was really gorgeous on the way to Kyrenia. We saw the Saint Hilarion Castle which is high up in the mountains and provides amazing views. We then went to the actual city of Kyrenia, where we ate lunch and visited a castle. I decided that since I was sitting next to the Mediterranean Sea, that I would order fish at the restaurant. I must say that I was a little embarrassed when I made a completely horrified face when the fish arrived with a full head, tail, scales, and fins. I survived, but probably won’t be ordering fish from any more restaurants over here anytime in the near future. We saw the Castle of Kyrenia, and then left the city for a visit an abbey a few minutes outside of the city.

It was amazingly beautiful, and pictures don’t do it justice...but here are some anyway.

Other than that, things have been going well. Getting to know all of the girls here, getting to know the city, all that stuff. Although we aren’t becoming friends with other American students, we have befriended the US Marines that are stationed here (how we did this...not sure), and have found our new favorite restaurant in Nicosia that has waiters that will take us to be VIPs in Cypriot clubs. Tomorrow we’ll have the Superbowl (Let’s go New York!!!!!!!), classes start on Tuesday, and on Friday I’ll be going off to Egypt for a four day trip!!!!!! The power in our house doesn’t stay on, and we’ve been informed we can’t run the heat at night. We also don’t have a shower head, so showers are a bit of a guessing game of where the water will shoot out, with what pressure, and what temperature. Always an adventure.

Love you all!


Marie Cox said...

Should I grab a shower head from the jobsite and send it to you?

Hope that you're having as much fun as it sounds like you are.

Love, rie

Taylor said...

I want a marine!

Anonymous said...

I hope you ate that fish head.

And congratulations on the Giants' win!