Friday, January 16, 2009


Sorry I never put up a final post. I think everybody knows I made it home, before Christmas and was able to enjoy the holidays with family and then with friends in New York.

I move back to William and Mary tomorrow and am excited for real classes to begin again. I'm hoping to get funding to do my honors thesis this summer, so I will hopefully be returning to Kenya this summer. If all goes according to plan, my funding will cover my transportation, living costs, and be enough extra that I can pretend I actually had a paying job.

My life at William and Mary isn't interesting enough to report here, but check back during the summer as I'm sure I'll be off on some exciting adventure even if it isn't overseas. Hopefully it won't be the adventures of a temp in Staunton. My options as of right now are:
1) Research in Kenya
2) Red Cross Presidential Internship (paid and everything)
3) Partners in Health Internship (although this would involve me getting chosen over several thousand applicants and finding someone to give me money to live in Boston)
4) White Water Rafting Guide in Colorado (also offering you an exciting place to vacation next July and celebrate my 21st with me)
5) My own personal version of The Office as a temp in Staunton

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