Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Oh How I Wish I could Shower...but Alas, I live in Cyprus

Yay for returning to Cyprus...and a water shortage. There are few things worse than traveling for eleven and a half days, only taking two showers during that time period, and then returning home to find out that you now only have running water Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays between 6pm and 6am. Damn you Cyprus.

The rest of the trip was wonderful. I seriously contemplated staying in Vienna, but I forced myself into returning. And now I am just dirty and thirsty, and craving Viennese ice cream which was scrumptious beyond belief. I therefore forced myself to eat copious amounts of it both days I was there. I made up for it by renting the city bikes, and biking around Vienna instead of actually sight seeing. I also lay around in some more parks, and it was beautiful. I am thinking about returning in a few weeks when it is Easter vacation. I may return to America corpulent from my terrible eating habits there, but I think it is completely worth it.

Here is my photo collection. I may have included a few too many, but oh well. It was beautiful, and I am a firm believe in giving each of you as many opportunities as possible to live vicariously through me. Enjoy and be thankful that you can take as many showers as you want.

Love you all.

1 comment:

The Pirate said...

Well, the dreads may be coming out, but you are apparently more of a dirty hippie than ever.

Should I pull your name for Christmas gifts this year, you can count on getting some patchouli essential oil, an incense burner, and a hackey sack. Also a bong.